Seminary of the Southwest Christ Chapel

Seminary of the Southwest Christ Chapel
The view I get to experience everytime I attend Christ Chapel!!!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The importance of Hospitality.....

The importance of Hospitality…

We have just completed Fall Visitor’s Weekend here at the Seminary of the Southwest. It was an exciting weekend! There were prospective students on campus from all over the U.S. The weekend reminded me of the importance of hospitality. Hospitality is a ministry. It is an important ministry that God we are called to by God.

The prospective students visited classes, participated in Chapel services and took tours of different students’ homes (my apartment was on the tour). We treated them to our local pub, finishing the weekend with a festival Eucharist, a fabulous dinner and dancing to a bluegrass band.

I was a part of team clean. I now know how the kitchen at SSW runs! It really takes an army to pull off this massive event. Everyone, and I mean everyone, helped make this weekend so special. I think our visitors got a real sense of our amazing community and what life as a seminarian is all about. I am honored to have been a part of this weekend and I can’t wait until we get to do it all over again in the spring!

I finished off the weekend by being a part of St. Mary’s, Birmingham, my home parish, annual meeting. I was “Skyped” in. It was AWESOME to see my Church again and of course all of the people that make it the special place that it is. What a gift to be able to be a part of the annual meeting even though I am so far away. I can’t wait to see them all in person soon.

I am heading to Tennessee on Friday, so next week’s post will be from there. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see my family and to get to attend a party for my cousin Nerren. Nerren is getting married in December and I am thrilled to be a part of the celebration.

Remember, I keep you all close to my heart and continue to love you all even from far away…

Blessings to you all as the ride continues…Mary Balfour


  1. Hospitality is indeed a ministry. I learned that at St.Paul's. Growing up in Selma, you don't really realize what a ministry that is until you get out and see the big, wide world; it is then you understand how blessed you were and are to be part of a community that is so welcoming and so giving. I know you will enjoy the time you can spend with your family. Love to you all at this time of giving!

  2. Only a few more days and you will be home. You are gifted at hospitality!!!

  3. Hi Sweet MB!! I just got your blog info and I sat and read it all. Miss you and miss you in reunion! Can't wait to follow this:)
