Seminary of the Southwest Christ Chapel

Seminary of the Southwest Christ Chapel
The view I get to experience everytime I attend Christ Chapel!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

One Bread, One Body...

One Bread, One Body…

I finished up my January term this week. It really was a great three weeks and I learned so much. I have a much greater understanding of the daily struggles of many of the Hispanic people who live in our country. This is especially true in their efforts to worship Jesus. I am proud of the social services agencies and the churches we visited. They are truly ministering and doing all they can to help our brothers and sisters.

I left Austin on Thursday, arriving in Nashville that night. We drove straight to the Mountain after my parents picked me up to attend the 180th Convention of the Diocese of Tennessee, held in Sewanee. It was an honor to represent the Seminary of the Southwest there. Although I think very highly of the School of Theology at Sewanee and have many wonderful friends and family that have attended the seminary, it was great to be able to talk about a different school, a school that is just as special and is producing very fine priests - my school, the Seminary of the Southwest.

It was also great fun reconnecting with lots of fun people and enjoying my parents company. It will be no surprise to you that Daddy is well liked in the Diocese. He was elected to the Standing Committee and as a Trustee of the University of the South (I think this could be his 18th time to serve as a trustee, he loves it!)

I also got to speak to the entire convention about Southwest. It was great to be able to tell them all about my amazing school. A bonus was meeting the Bishop of Rhode Island, the Rt. Rev. Geralyn Wolfe, the guest speaker for the convention. She told me the need for bi-lingual priests that have an understanding of Hispanic culture in her diocese. I told her to come visit SSW and that she would find plenty of fine seminarians with these skills!

The theme of the convention was One Bread, One Body. As I reflect over my January course and my time in at the convention, those words ring so true. It takes all of us, and I do mean all of us, to make up the Body of Christ. We are one in His eyes and I pray that we can see and live that message!

I am looking forward to spending a few more days with my family before starting the spring semester. I continue to think of you all often and pray for a healthy and happy 2012 for us all.

Blessings to you all as the ride continues…Mary Balfour

1 comment:

  1. As always, thank you for sharing. I'm so glad all is going well for you.
